Homemade Stock

September 01, 2013


  • Heavy pot, but not aluminum.
  • Bouquet Garni: Herbs and aromatics tied with cooking twine – thyme, parsley, bay leaf.
  • 1-2 pounds bones: For chicken or turkey use the neck, back, ribs, wings, and best of all feet.
  • Mirepoix: Chop carrots, celery and onion. 50% of the mix is onions.
  • Water: Cover with cold, filtered water.


Simmer for 4 hours. Skim the top. Strain through a sieve lined with cheesecloth. Cool the stock quickly using an ice bath and refrigerate or freeze.



  • Heavy pot, but not aluminum.
  • Bouquet Garni: Herbs and aromatics tied with cooking twine – thyme, parsley, bay leaf.
  • 1-2 pounds bones: For chicken or turkey use the neck, back, ribs, wings, and best of all feet.
  • Mirepoix: Chop carrots, celery and onion. 50% of the mix is onions.
  • Water: Cover with cold, filtered water.